冬柠 Lv3

difference between image and container
We can build or image on local or from docker hub.Then We run container from image,you can run multi-containers from a image with --name=appname.

install docker

curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh

Add a Non-Root User to the Docker Group

this require you are login to non-root user on OS

sudo usermod -aG docker Pi

remove docker

sudo apt-get purge docker-ce
sudo rm -rf /var/lib/docker

build docker image


sudo docker build -t ankisyncd:latest .

container run,start,stop,remove

run container in foreground (add -d to run in background)

sudo docker run -it ankisyncd:latest

start and stop container

docker container stop container_name
docker container start container_name

look up IP address in a container

docker ps -a to get container_name

docker inspect container_name | grep Address

remove image and container

remove image

run docker images to get IMAGE ID,
then run sudo docker rmi 8458e1ca9dca

remove container

run docker ps -a to get CONTAINER ID,
then run sudo docker rm 97590f6d5deb

Volume for persist data

add VOLUME /app in Dockerfile

show Volume

docker volume list

remove the volume by volume name

docker volume rm 962b2d970bcd96de860b348130a84aa86c0aaa55378b3dce35225659679ff808
