raspberry pico观察日记
冬柠 Lv3

每次按住bootsel接入pc usb时,会擦除pico原来的程序(.uf2);下载firmware到pico,第二次只是插入usb供电,不会擦除程序。

requirements (Installation of development dependencies):

  • Toolchain support for the cortex-m0+ processors in the rp2040 (thumbv6m-none-eabi)
    rustup target install thumbv6m-none-eabi
    cargo install flip-link
    # This is our suggested default 'runner'
    cargo install probe-run
    # If you want to use elf2uf2-rs instead of probe-run, instead do...
    cargo install elf2uf2-rs --locked

run with elf2uf2 (Loading a UF2 over USB)
Make sure your .cargo/config contains the following

runner = "elf2uf2-rs -d"

connect pico to pc by pushing bootsel ,and then run cargo run